Saturday, July 11

Poi Awhiowhio (Whistling Gourd)

Easy Blog Photo

Poi Awhiowhio: (Whistling gourd)
Poi awhiowhio are medium-sized gourds which are swung on a cord that can be threaded through a hole in the neck or even through the neck and base. A description continues about these Taonga Puoro  on page 29 of the book Taonga Puoro Singing Treasures, written by Brian Flintoff.
As they rotate they make a chattering whistle. Their tangi is very quiet and it needs concentration to appreciate it.

One must take care when swinging the Poi Awhiowhio not to hit walls, doors, lights or close furniture. Once cracked and or broken the sound is never the same again and one should start anew. Unfortunately Gourds are not easily grown in Murihiku. You could have a go at growing them though.
If you would like to know more contact the RTM's at

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