Friday, July 10

Ngai Tahu Publications.

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This months Te Karaka and Te Panui Runaka arrived in my letter box this week. Both magazines are well worth reading. 
Te Panui Runaka keeps one up with activities that are being held in and by the whanau of the 18 Papatipu Runaka in Te Waipounamu, Ngai Tahu whanau whanui, as well as those who live in te Ika a Maui. 
 Te Karaka, is a more 'serious' magazine with many articles, stories, interviews and opinions etc on Ngai Tahu people, their mahi and aspirations etc. Both magazines are great for information sharing and learning from. 
If you are a registered Ngai Tahu person you qualify for these magazines otherwise contact your local Ngai Tahu Runaka or 0800 Kai Tahu for more information or the rtm's in Murihiku on

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