Wednesday, July 22

Interesting Reading about Ngai Tahu

If you are interested in learning more about Ngai Tahu, the tribe who have Mana Whenua in Te Waipounamu (the South Island), then here are two of their latest publications.
Te Karaka can be purchased from any book shop. Te Panui Runaka is distributed to every registered Ngai Tahu person. You can get the loan of one from a Papatipu Runaka (there are four in Murihiku, Waihopai Runaka, Hokonui Runaka, Oraka-Aparima Runaka and Awarua Runaka). Or you contact us, the RTM's. See our link at the right of this page.

Please note: There are eight 'tribes' at the top of the South Island so Ngai Tahu has a Boundary between them and 'us'.

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