Tuesday, November 24


One of the workshops held at Hui a  Iwi was to make a Mokihi.
Whanau had a fun time using raupo and harakeke making these models. Tumeke!

He Ruru

Easy Blog Photo
Came across a tree full of these manu in the reception area of a school. What a great art, waiata and science activity. Each child was given eyes, circles and rope brown paper. There is a spring clip peg glued to the back (for attaching to the tree). Art - creativity when using a variety of papers, beads, feathers, colours etc to make it their own. The waiata - Te Ruru is a fun one for tamariki, with actions. Compose another. Science - study of NZ Native Birds and or Birds in general.

Sunday, November 8

Taonga Puoro: Bubu

Photo shows four Bubu shells. Also known as Pupu, the 'complete' fish has a Cats Eye shell which has many uses in Art and Crafts. I have also experienced eating the 'fish'. A bit like paua!
The bubu on the bottom right has a natural hole in it. This allows the notes that are produced to vary. Or one can close the hole and play without a finger hole.
The challenge is to blow (gently) onto the side of the shell placing the thick chunky 'side' well into the corner of your lips / mouth.
The rangi produced can be mournful.
Bubu live on the rocks. The empty shells can be picked up when one is beachcombing on the seashore.  Good luck!