Saturday, June 22

A Touch from the Past

There are many 'toki' or adzes in personal collections as well as in 'registered collectors' displays. I am also aware of the odd one that has been 'thrown away' because the owners did not understand their significance. The toki displayed in in this post is housed in the Aparima / Riverton office of Oraka Aparima Runaka.
While to some they look dull and grey, when one takes time to consider the workmanship that has gone into making a toki, the time, the knowledge, the people - there is a wealth of wonderment. Murihiku Māori spent their time manufacturing stone tools, not only as trade items but also for their own use when living here in Murihiku.
If you were looking for a 'local' Māori topic then Stone Tool Making is a suggestion. You can contact the Southland Museum,
He Toki, a Māori stone adze.
Oraka- Aparima Runaka and the RTM's for information.